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Intellectual Property (IP) in Virtual Environments: A Challenge for Companies.

The metaverse is a virtual world in which there are more and more elements that interact in it, becoming an alternative reality. From the intellectual property point of view, the metaverse is faced with three major challenges: the legal environment in the digital world, the responsibility of intermediaries and, lastly, legal security for owners of IP rights in the metaverse.

We protect and defend IP rights in the Metaverse

Advantages of the Metaverse

Creative Freedom

Infinite creative and intellectual development freedom

New Opportunities

Possibilities of new business models outside physical barriers

Reproduction and Enhancement

Reproduction and experiential enhancement of use of physical products and services in a virtual environment

– Costs + Innovation

Greater inventive and innovative stimuli in companies by optimizing invested resources

Our Solutions

Legal Guarantees

We advise you on the uncertainty of the legal framework applicable to each Metaverse


We protect your Intellectual Property rights for their use in the Metaverses


We defend against possible infractions that occur in the Metaverses

For the advantages of the Metaverse to be profitable by companies, the following measures must be implemented, which address the new challenges of intellectual property (IP) in these environments:

Active Measures

Registration protection is the most immediate and simple step to take. After a quick check of the current files and their protection, ClarkeModet recommends a double strategy:

Territorial protection: The metaverse is digital and, therefore, is not located within a specific State or area. Even though we can foresee for known regulations (e.g., territory where the infringement takes effect) to be used, it is not superfluous that, depending on the metaverse chosen for operating, protection to the State where the responsible organization declares to be domiciled in is extended.

Protection of products and services: We recommend hiring an active brand monitoring to detect new applications that protect these specific products and services and that may collide with our previous rights.


Reactive Measures

Among the legal protection strategies in the metaverse, we recommend carrying out an infringement analysis in connection with those unauthorized uses that are detected.

The “enforcement” of rights can be approached in two ways:

a) Through collaboration with the entity in charge of the metaverse.

b) Resorting to ordinary justice.

The metaverse and its related phenomena, such as NFTs, presents us with a fascinating reality (we cannot say future, given that it is already here), and that will soon be as common as having a website where people get to know you. Legal protection that we can count on before participating in the metaverse, is essential for us to be able to develop and expand in a calm and safe manner.


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Miguel RujanaMiguel Rujana