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Are you a startup? We help you boost your Intellectual Property

  • 04 October 2021
  • Articles

Most new startups around the world do not survive more than three years, although they offer innovative and helpful solutions to the increasingly demanding needs of the market. Why?

  • Only 1 of 10 startups survive more than 3 years.
  • Only 10% of the startups protect their innovations.

Most startups around the world do not protect their Intellectual Property assets either. In Spain, only 10 % of these companies protect their IP, even though IP is an essential matter for potential investors and partner and it guarantees the long-term success for innovative projects.

Why should you protect your startup’s Intellectual Property? Here are some reasons:

  • Intellectual Property is often the most valuable asset for a technology startup. The different types of intangible assets of a company currently comprise 90% of its value, which can be greater when referring to startups. Without a good IP strategy, tech startups would have little leverage in the market. So it is essential to protect these rights as soon as possible.
  • Did you know that your IP could affect your pre-money valuation? The IP value potential is one of the first matters that investors examine when considering a startup.
  • Suppose a startup begins a pilot or co-creation process with large companies without having their creations protected. In that case, it exposes itself to the risk that third parties will take advantage of its innovation without them. As startups scale and begin to share information with more partners, vendors, and other counterparties, the importance of protecting their IP rises.
  • Before starting a negotiation with an investment fund, business angel, or other investors, the definition of ownership and equity in the intangible assets is one of the requirements without which a conversation cannot take place.
  • Patents, trademarks, designs, or trade secrets allow startups to have a critical competitive advantage when they begin their market entry.
  • IP protection limits the possibility of plagiarism and allows startups to take legal action in case of an infringement from third parties.
  • In times of economic uncertainty, when tangible assets usually lose their value, Intellectual Property is a safe value for startups and helps them minimize risks.
  • IP assets are subject to property rights in economic traffic. Therefore, these may be granted, pledged as collateral, or be subject to other royalty rights. A chattel mortgage can be built on our Intellectual Property assets, which may be used to refinancing debt.
  • The intangible assets associated with brands and their products’ aesthetic appearance constitute up to 80% of the value associated with a product. These may be protected using intellectual property.
  • The elements that allow users to identify, remember and “love” your brand are protectable through IP. The appearance of a product may be protected through designs or non-traditional trademarks.
  • Not all startups have to start from scratch in terms of innovation. Existing technology developed by third parties may be used, either because their protection is no longer current or due to an agreement with their holders. Technology Surveillance may help you identify developments for your startup.
  • Improvements in existing technology and products may also be protected through utility models, a more economic figure that grants exclusivity rights to the holders of their registration.
How can we help you?

ClarkeModet have launched an special program to support startups in their IP management. With ClarkeModet X Startups, you will be able to access a free early diagnosis and advice to identify your IP  assets and protect them with special fees.

Contact us for more information:

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Are you a startup? We help you boost your Intellectual PropertyAre you a startup? We help you boost your Intellectual Property