In less than 6 months some of the requirements and processes that have marked the Spanish Patent System for more than 30 years will substantially change.

We propose you the following webinar to make a quick review about this important novelty that will enter into force on April 1st 2017.


  1. Main features of the new Spanish Patent Law and its proposal for a Regulation
  2. The changes that will have the greatest impact on your organization, including:

    • The change in the patents procedure
    • The change in the scope of utility models
    • The obligation to request to SPTO patents of inventions made in Spain
    • The new opposition system
    • The new model of rates (new structure, new exemptions and reductions, new prices…)


 Clara Pombo

 Corporate and International Busine Development Director

Clara Pombo is Group Deputy Director of Clarke, Modet & Co., Latin America. She is an experienced IP attorney, involved in complex cross-jurisdiction litigation matters in Spain and Latin America, as well as WIPO Mediator. Among her responsibilities, she is Global Key Account Manager for Customer Business Development Unit, with focus on advising multinational clients in the best prosecution and enforcement strategy for their Patent Portfolio in the Region. She participates regularly in training courses, seminars and EPO international level events. Clara is very passionate about finding the most optimal valuable solution for the client to facilitate management of their global portfolios. She holds and LL.M. and M.B.A. from MIT.