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Amalia Cheschistz

Amalia Cheschistz

IP Senior Consultant
More than 20 years of professional experience in the advice and management of different portfolios of industrial property rights (trademarks, designs and patents) both in Spain and internationally, as well as the coordination of work teams to carry out such procedures. She has experience in the preparation, filing and prosecution of Trademark and Design applications in Spain, the European Community and internationally, including the defense of such files at the administrative level as well as the resolution of incidents arising during the entire prosecution of Spanish and Community Trademarks, such as oppositions, official actions, administrative appeals against refusals, among others.


Law degree from Universidad Anáhuac del Norte de México DF and Master in Industrial and Intellectual Property and Information Society Law \"Magister Lvcentinus\" at the University of Alicante.

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Amalia CheschistzAmalia Cheschistz