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Francisco Bavestrello

Francisco Bavestrello

Patent Specialist
Professional with more than 15 years of work experience in intellectual property, with a specialty in patents of the mechanical / electrical area and with commercial focus. Personalized advising and design of protection strategies of intangible assets for clients, focused on marketing. (Patent, non-infringement studies, freedom to operate (FTO), intellectual and industrial property policies, PPH, among others.) Drafting of technological intelligence reports (search of the art, FTO’s, studies of non-infringement and technological vigilance). More than 75% efficiency of success in patent drafting (mechanics, electrical, TIC´s, energy, industrial processes, among others.) Speaker in various workshops of protection through Intellectual Property; and Technological Intelligence. Mentoring to new members of the company in IIP and systems.


Automotive Mechanical Execution Engineer, INACAP Industrial Civil Engineer, Federico Santa María Technical University (UTFSM) MBA, Federico Santa María Technical University (UTFSM)

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Francisco BavestrelloFrancisco Bavestrello